Gardens Maintenance
The loads of mangoes that you see in the market are not produced so instantly, the growing of mangoes involves a decent mechanism that start months before they appear in the market. The mango trees(magnifier indica)generally begin fruit production in three years but these formative years required gentle care with right irrigation system and per-harvesting management .
The “DECCAN INTERNATONAL EXPORTS” Ensure an extra care of quality organic product. We constantly monitor the fruit growing process and apply apt system to ensure healthy products. We make use of organic fertilizer and prune to remove any weak stems and produce a strong support of branches .caring for mango tree include annihilation of pests and diseases for which we deal with organic pesticides or horticultural oils such as fish oil and neem oil these organic medicines are sprayed on the flowers, to ensure total pest control whitewash(hydrated lime, salt and water)is applied at the base of tree.
Maintenance of Blooming
Along with the said producer for quality product we ensure even care such as “Mango crop bagging method”by virtue of which the matured fruit are prevented from Bees,Fruit flies,insects which at times pose potential danger to the crop .This method also put the fruit in safer made as far the fluctuations in weather is concerned.
With this unique methodology,”Deccan international exports maintains its own “Mango garden” and with the seasonal differences in different regions we maintain organic mango production throughout the year.

The Incredible 10 months of Mango availability!
While most people think mangoes can only be had during the April-June months of summer in India. We beg to differ. Having a network of 100’s of carefully selected organic mango orchids across mainland India. These organic orchids are spread From South Kanyakumari (Tamil Nadu), to North Saharanpur (UttarPradesh), from east Malda in W.Bengal to West Gujrat covering an area of almost 3000 kms. Since different varieties of mangoes have different peak times zone of cultivation, it allows us to supply these organic mangoes for an incredible 10 months of the year from November to August.